Palio Films was established in 2001 to bring home beautifully crafted, challenging human stories of global significance. Its first direct commission for BBC Television & Discovery USA, was the 2002 film ‘City of Dreams’, a feature length investigation into the wave of killings in Mexico’s borderland city of Juarez. Through Creative Director, Bruno Sorrentino, Palio Films has collaborated with a wide range of national and international broadcasters including BBC ONE, BBC TWO, BBC FOUR, Channel 4, Discovery, PBS, CBC and WDR.

In addition to direct broadcast commissions, Palio Films has produced many films for the UN system including the UN Human Rights Office, World Health Organisation, UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, UN Environment Programme among others. In 2012 we were chosen to produce the official films for the UK government Cabinet Office promoting the London Olympics. Palio FIlms has also produced many documentaries and promotional films for prestigious institutions such as the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, London’s V&A Museum, the British Museum, English Heritage, the Crafts Council, and educational publishers such as Pearson Education.  Palio Films was recently commissioned by the National Museum of India, the CSMVC Museum in Mumbai, and the British Museum in London, to produce thirty short films: ‘India and the World’ was a multi-faceted account of Indian history, with each episode featuring a selected object of historical significance.  Other historical documentaries include ‘A New View of the Middle East’, an account of the Persian Emperor Cyrus told through the famous Cylinder of the same name, ‘Krisna in the Garden of Assam’ on the Vrindavani Vastra, The Emperor Hadrian, and many more.